We are the premiere Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy specialty clinic in Lake Stevens!
I keep hearing about Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy... what is it?
Think of your pelvic floor as the unsung hero of your body—it supports your spine and hips, controls your bladder and bowel, and plays a big role in intimacy and childbirth. But sometimes, life happens (hello, surgery, childbirth, or just living!) and things get a little… out of balance. That’s where we come in!
We use biomechanics, exercises, and manual techniques to rebalance your pelvis so that you can reclaim the joy of jumping and running without worries of leaking, boost your confidence to explore new places without constantly scouting for a bathroom, and enjoyment of your intimate experiences without pelvic issues.
What makes our clinic different?
1. Individualized attention
Unlike high volume clinics, our appointments are 1 hour and always one-on-one with a licensed Therapist with no use of unlicensed aides. This means you get individualized care from an expert each for double the time of other clinics, which ultimately gets you better faster.
2. Problems gone.. for good!
Our Pelvis Re-Balancing Method addresses the root causes of pelvic dysfunction by considering the whole body, not just isolated symptoms. This holistic approach sets us apart from traditional clinics that don’t have the time or expertise to treat this way.
Why Choose us?
3. Our Team
Our team consists of highly trained, specialized therapists who focus exclusively on the pelvis and pelvic floor. This isn’t just another diagnosis we treat; this is our concentrated expertise.
4. No “middle man”
As a private practice, we don’t have insurance dictating how we can help our patients. As out-of-network providers, we can use our expertise to help our patients get quicker results that actually last.
Our Signature Pelvis Re-Balancing Method:
Our signature Pelvis Re-Balancing Method is a holistic approach designed to identify and address the root cause of symptoms related to pelvic stress and strain. By meticulously examining all the forces impacting the pelvis, our method goes beyond surface-level issues to pinpoint the underlying factors contributing to discomfort.
The focus on the pelvic floor’s ability to perform its functions underlines the method’s dedication to understanding the intricate mechanics of the pelvis. Recognizing that undue stress can hinder the pelvic floor’s natural ability to do it’s own job, our Re-Balancing approach aims to alleviate this burden and empower the pelvic floor to function optimally.
What sets our method apart is the incorporation of a multi-faceted strategy, combining functional movement, whole-body considerations, and a holistic perspective. This holistic approach acknowledges the interconnectedness of various bodily systems and emphasizes the importance of addressing the body as a unified entity rather than isolated parts.
Ultimately, our Pelvis Re-Balancing Method provides our patients with a pathway to relief from their symptoms by not only treating the immediate issues but also addressing the broader factors that contribute to pelvic stress to make sure our patients stay symptom-free for good.