We know you might have a ton of questions before booking your appointment; maybe you’re excited, or maybe you are experiencing some hesitations or fears.

Let us answer some of our most frequently asked questions!

  • What should you wear?
    • Comfortable clothes are perfect. Work out clothes and shoes are ideal.
  • Where is the clinic?
    • Our clinic address is 9015 Vernon Rd Lake Stevens #102. It is directly across the street from Wendy’s. Turn left after the infamous “peanut” roundabout into an industrial park and we are in the first building on the ground floor. We have an Empowered Physical Therapy banner above our entrance!
  • Can your kids or spouse be present?
    • We encourage partners and spouses to be present and involved when the patient desires!
    • Kiddos are great, but can often be distracting. We have noticed when kiddos are present, moms have a tough time really focusing on themselves. We understand if there are times when kiddos need to be there, but we ask that we work together to find a way to keep the distractions to a minimum so we can really focus on you and your care.
  • What happens at the initial evaluation appointment?
    • Lots of talking happens first. We’ll discuss the reasons you came to see us, we’ll go over your answers to the intake questionnaire you filled out.
    • Then we’ll want to see how you move. This could be walking, squatting, how your hips/spine move with easy motions, or a pelvic exam, and we’ll take some measurements.
    • After that we’ll discuss exam findings and the plan to move forward.
  • Do you have to do an internal pelvic floor examination?
    • *This is only applicable if you are coming to see us for something pelvic floor related, or even hip or low back pain that hasn’t been quite figured out.*
    • An internal evaluation is optional!!
    • If you’re up for it, a pelvic floor internal evaluation can be super helpful and give us a TON of information.
      • It’s ok if you’re not ready for this, or want to defer to another visit, or if you want to pass on an internal exam indefinitely.
  • If you decide to do an internal exam, what does that entail?
    • No stirrups! No speculum! We’re not gynecologists 😉
    • We look at external tissue integrity and screen for skin conditions.
    • We will walk you through each step so nothing is a surprise.
    • We watch pelvic floor move externally.
    • One finger (gloved and lubed!) internal assessment to check for muscle integrity, strength, coordination, and any tenderness.
  • Will you be expected to do exercises for homework?
    • Yes ! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but just coming to see us once a week will not create the extent of change your body needs to fully heal and restore we need you to be committed and put in your effort. Work together means we can change your life!
    • You will also need you to put aside some extra time to give your body the downtime it needs to heal.
    • Your homework may not only be exercises; it might be mental homework, or to watch a video, or to practice some mental tips/tricks.
    • We promise the homework we give you will be relevant, and it will help you progress towards your goals and get you better

We hope that helped answer some of your questions. If you have further questions, feel free to text/call us at (425)230-6188 or email us at info@empowered-physicaltherapy.com
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